Rust Map Making Wiki


Welcome to the Rust Map Making wiki.

Make sure to join our discord if you are not already part of our community. Rust Map Making Discord

Our Goal

Over the past year since Facepunch released their SDK (Software Development Kit) for custom map creation in Rust we have learnt that the basic package they released was far more than what we originally thought.

Not only did it give us the ability to forge our own entire maps for the community to experience. It also handed us a valuable tool in research and understanding of how Rust works. Exposing many details that before then were only speculated and theorized. As a community we began to unravel different areas of the inner workings of Rust and it’s key components.

One issue we faced from the beginning was a lack of shared available information. We had bulky text files and scrapped-together images of snippets of information that may help us with a specific task. Only being accessible through asking around and being sent the documents. From the start we knew we would ultimately be hindered by this limitation of knowledge and transparency.

Although we are originally based out of the Rust Map Making community for custom maps we realise that a lot of the information we have gathered may be useful to the wider Rust community. Be it players who want to know spawn rates of ores, plugin developers who wish to know entity debug information or the map-makers who wish to learn what goes into making a balanced map.

This should give you a rough idea as to why this website exists…

We as a team believe strongly in a collaborative effort amongst the entire community to provide a place for all information to be well documented and shared to benefit everyone. Our projects are open-source and can be contributed to by anyone. We believe that hindering others by hiding information and creating a monopoly based on lack of knowledge is unfair, and that everyone should be entitled to the best opportunity of success in the projects they take on.

Please support, share and bookmark this site if you find it of any use. Thank you.
